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VAKSIN COVID-19 (PFIZER): What does it feel to be vaccinated?

  THE FIRST DOSE I received my first dose early march this year. I agreed to take the vaccine on accounts that my profession was risky in sorts of encountering many people a day. I thought about my immediate family too who I live with including my parents and my little ones. Initially we do have questions and inquiries pertaining issues like pregnancy and lactating mother but from what I read and understand was that the COVID19 symptoms would be more severe in pregnant mother and have a higher percentage of being admitted to the ICU. Can read up online here:  Center for Diseases Control and Prevention So, rest assured. I think the only thing that contraindicated from receiving the vaccine was hypersensitivity or allergy. But you could always confide in with your doctors. Discuss anything that concerns you.  Upon signing the consent for receiving the vaccine, they reminded that the vaccine will NOT prevent us from having COVID19 BUT it would only minimize the symptoms from the disease. 

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